HVAC Tech Careers in a Hot Industry
HVAC/R Technicians are the unsung heroes of our modern age. We take our modern conveniences for granted more often than not. Most people just think of air conditioning when they hear HVAC Technician. We generally leave off the R for simplicity’s sake. Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning / Refrigeration. That’s right. Refrigeration. They keep us comfortable and those steaks and beverages cold. As a result the industry is secure and growing without a doubt.
New EPA refrigerant restrictions on the horizon means you’ll be entering an industry with a high demand and job growth: 15% more jobs, which is roughly 84,200 jobs by 2024. The median pay in 2017 for HVAC Technicians was $47,080 per year or $22.64 per hour. That’s a lot of ramen.
Why Oklahoma Technical College?
New Career in as little as 10 months. Boom.

Oklahoma Technical College gives you the hands on experience and tools vital to your success. This time next year you could already be in your new career and if that isn’t enough choosing OTC as your school for HVAC/R come with:
- 5 chances to take the EPA certification
- Tool kit when you start and the rest after you complete the course
- Our class counts as two years towards your Journeymen’s license
- Career services to support you after you graduate. We aren’t just one and done. Career services is there to help you for the rest of your career if needed.
- Small class sizes
- Instructors who are experts in the industry
So If you want a trade that will be priceless for the future, or as long as people need to eat, HVAC/R is for you. Remember, people can take your stuff but no one can take your knowledge. Invest in yourself.
(2018). G-w.com. Retrieved 8 August 2018, from https://www.g-w.com/pdf/fb/mrac_infographic.pdf
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers: Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2018). Bls.gov. Retrieved 8 August 2018, from https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/heating-air-conditioning-and-refrigeration-mechanics-and-installers.htm#tab-1
Phaseout of Ozone-Depleting Substances | US EPA. (2014). US EPA. Retrieved 8 August 2018, from https://www.epa.gov/ods-phaseout
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