Author: david
How To Change an Air Filter
June 16, 2016
Air Filters for HVAC-R Units After a paltry winter and a mild spring, I was sure the pattern would continue and we would see record lows this summer. But it's not even summer, …
Diesel Technology Video Competition
March 18, 2016
Our Diesel Technology students are at it again creating some pretty great videos. Our Department Head Peter has raised the stakes and made this a video competition with a surprise …
How Tires Effect Brakes
March 14, 2016
Tires and Brakes Rarely do we think of our tires when we are focusing on our vehicle’s braking system. However, there is a direct correlation to tires and braking effectiveness. The price …
How Potholes Can Damage Your Car
November 2, 2015
A bit of a sore spot for most drivers is the present condition of our roads. This is not just a local problem; it expands to a national issue. Some …
Why is that Semi plugged in
November 7, 2014
As we are moving into the winter months, you may begin to see diesel pickups and semi-trucks plugged into power outlets. Yep. It’s a thing. I’m here to tell you …
Flux Cored and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
April 30, 2014
Arc Welding Processes Have you been enjoying National Welding Month? We sure have! We've covered Shielded Metal Arc Welding and Gas Metal Arc Welding, now it's time for Flux Cored Arc …
The Diesel Opportunist
December 20, 2019
Well, what is a Diesel Opportunist anyway? Could it be a guy or girl who only thinks that diesel engines are much better than gas engines? Or could it be …
Career Fair Success Tips
October 29, 2018
15 Crucial Tips For Career Fair Success In reality, succeeding at a career fair is all about knowing how to prepare. Career fairs can seem intimidating, but your success is in …
Effects of Tire Pressure
March 14, 2016
Pressure. When we hear that word we associate it with stress. We feel it at work, at home and in public. It is everywhere and is a part of our …
Legality of EGR, SCR and DPF Deleting
March 27, 2015
In the past decade the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made huge strides in trying to control the pollution emitted by diesel engines by integrating emission control devices such as …